Base Ten Assessment

Base Ten Assessment

The opening two tasks of this protocol are intended to be done one-on-one. Task two is known as the Kamii Task, referring to the work of Constance Kamii (Young children reinvent arithmetic, 2000). The task is a Piagetian assessment. The two story problems reflect the use of measurement division with 10 as an organizing unit to help students engage with place value as a rate of ten concept. The juxtaposition of a non-context problem (Task 2) and the context-based (Task 3) provides insight into the depth and breadth on a child's understanding of core place value concepts. The remaining tasks also juxtapose context and non-context multi-digit subtraction and addition problems in order to assess the student's capacity to reason and talk in values rather than in digits as well as his or her adaptive reasoning in knowing more than one strategy to solve a computational problem.

While I have used this protocol with more mature end-of-the-year first graders, this is more of a second grade assessment.

Assessment Protocol

Assessment Recording Sheet